Gas Cleaning

Gas Cleaning

Any gasification system must include a gas cleaning system. Begg Cousland gas cleaning products are designed to remove unwanted pollutants and chemicals from the product gas during cleaning. Depending on the gas’s final usage, this system may may entail particle separation, tar removal, and other trace pollutants removal. A change in the concentration of the primary components of the gas, as well as changes in the temperature and pressure of the gas, may be required for catalytic processes (gas conditioning).

Rotary Brush Scrubber / Becoflex

Rotary Brush Scrubber / Becoflex

The rotary brush scrubber rotates within a conventional volute fan casing. It is irrigated with the desired amount of water or scrubbing reagent. Particles in the dirty exhaust gas are drawn into the unit, impacted at high speed with the spinning fibers and become thoroughly wetted....
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Gas Scrubbers / Absorption Columns / Venturi Scrubbers / Fume Scrubbers

Gas Scrubbers / Absorption Columns / Venturi Scrubbers / Fume Scrubbers

We design gas scrubbing equipment, and supply Venturi Gas Scrubbers, Eductor Venturi Gas Scrubbers, Wet Cyclones, Packed Bed Scrubbers and Cross Flow Scrubbers using conventional tower and packing designs or tailoring new packings, such as BlueFil® structured mesh, to solve difficult problems....
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Tower Packings / Random Packings / Tower Internals

Tower Packings / Random Packings / Tower Internals

Begg Cousland can supply also a wide range of Tower Internals, from Random Packings to Trays, Gas Injection Support Plates to Liquid Distributors & Flashing Feed Galleries....
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Turnkey Filtration Systems

Turnkey Filtration Systems

Begg Cousland have supplied hundreds of highly successful turnkey filtration system installations, used for industrial air pollution abatement, often known as Tail Gas Cleaning or APC equipment....
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